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How Can We Cure A Lumbosacral Strain?

It is a medical term used to describe an injury that causes low back pain. The lumbosacral area is between the bottom of the ribcage and the top of the buttocks muscles. You can strain these muscles by stretching them too far, causing tiny tears in the tissue Known as a Lumbosacral strain.

However, These tears can be tiny but still cause pain. Therefore, treatment of Lumbosacral strain focuses on reducing pain and avoiding further injury.

What Is A Low Back Strain?

A series of muscles and ligaments in your back hold the bones of your spinal column in place. You can strain these muscles by stretching them too far, causing tiny tears in the tissue. The spine becomes less stable, causing low back pain(dorsalgia).

However, when the nerves stretch out from the spinal cord throughout the entire body, low back strain can cause pain in areas other than your back.

What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbosacral Strain?

Symptoms may of a lumbosacral strain may include:

  • Swelling or slight redness in the painful area.

  • Pain in the back, often on one side.

  • Pain that gets worse with movement.

  • Inability to move as freely as usual.,

  • Stiff back

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Lumbosacral Strain?

Repeated heavy lifting can strain back muscles and spinal ligaments. If you’re in poor physical condition, constant strain on your back can cause painful muscle spasms.

However, Other common causes of a lumbosacral strain include the following:

  • Lumbago:

Lumbago can be caused by several factors, but the main reason is the overuse of the lower back and the sudden lifting of a heavy load.

However, A lumbosacral strain can be caused by Lumbago as well. It can be the result of excessive bending or other repetitive motions involving the lower back.

  • Deadlifts:

Another major cause of a Lumbosacral is deadlifts. It is quite normal for athletes to have Lower back pain Hillsboro after deadlifts. Often, athletes are worried about rounding their low back when they deadlift. So, in turn, they make sure to arch their lower back to decrease the chances of this happening.

However, It can also be caused by emotional stress, improper posture, being overweight, being out of shape, or sitting in the same position for long periods of time. Even a severe cough can result in low back strain.

What Are The Risk Factors Of A Lumbosacral Strain?

Common risk factors of a Lumbosacral strain Include the following:

1- Stiff Back

A lumbosacral strain is the most common cause of a Stiff back. This problem occurs as a result of an injury to the back muscles and ligaments that support the spinal column.

However, Patients may or may not remember the initial event that triggered their muscle spasm, but the symptoms of a lumbar muscle strain can be severe.

2- Rhomboid Spasm:

Another common risk factor of lumbosacral strain includes rhomboid spasm. It is a stretch or tear of these muscles. It is a sudden tightening of the muscle that you cannot control and it can cause a lumbar strain.

However, You can sprain or strain your rhomboid muscles by doing any activities that overwork your back, shoulders, and arms.

3- Dorsalgia

The lumbar spine is located where the thoracic spine ends and continues down to the sacral spine. This part of the back is the most used in our daily movements. However, when this part gets strained. It’s known as a lumbar strain, which is a very common cause of Dorsalgia.

However, two of the most common types of Dorsalgia Includes:

  • Lumbar Dorsalgia

  • Lumbosacral Dorsalgia

How Can We Diagnose?

  • Physical Examination:

Your healthcare provider will likely begin with a physical examination. They may ask you to sit, stand, walk, and pick your legs up off the floor.

  • Neurological Testing:

Neurological testing such as an EMG may be necessary, especially if a nerve-related cause is diagnosed. Tests that may signal the need for neurological testing include:

  • Straight Leg Test: For this common test, your doctor will have you lay on your back on an exam table. You’ll relax your outstretched, affected leg. Your doctor will then gently lift your leg 30-60 degrees. If this causes pain in the back or pain that radiates in the leg, your condition may have a nerve-related origin.

  • Adam’s Forward Bend Test: During this test, you’ll stand with both feet on the floor and then bend forward at the waist. Your healthcare provider will watch for abnormalities or signs of larger conditions.

  • Imaging:

In more complex cases of dorsalgia, imaging may be necessary. MRIs can be useful in diagnosing dorsalgia. You may also want to ask your doctor about the potential of X-rays or a CT scan to help you find a diagnosis and successful treatment plan.

How Can We Cure A Lumbosacral Strain?

Low back pain in Fort Worth often goes away by itself within several weeks. But it often comes back. Treatment focuses on reducing pain and avoiding further injury.

However, Common cures may include:

1- Prescription Or Over-The-Counter Medicines

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat a lumbar strain. However, Popular NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and indomethacin.

2- Cold Or Heat Packs:

Cold packs are very effective at reducing swelling and numbing pain. An injury swells because fluid leaks from blood vessels; cold causes vessels to constrict, reducing their tendency to ooze. As with cold packs, heat packs have a role in easing pain from both acute and chronic injuries, such as sprains, strains, muscle spasms, whiplash, and arthritis.

3- Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy is a first-line treatment for responding to backache associated with Lumbar strain. If your primary healthcare provider determines that you do not have a serious condition, then a physical therapist will likely be able to provide a treatment plan that relieves your pain and helps you perform normal activities. In some cases feeling chronic lower back pain is killing me, physical therapy can be more effective than surgery.

4- Muscle Relaxants:

If your pain is persistent and doesn’t respond to first-line, over-the-counter treatments, you may want to talk to your doctor about muscle relaxants. Cyclobenzaprine is a muscle relaxant that effectively treats neck pain and related muscle spasms. Muscle relaxants also provide relief for non-specific back pain, especially acute pain.

5- Dry Needling:

Dry needling is used to treat pain in a lumbar strain. Often used in sports medicine, physical therapists perform dry needling to relieve muscle pain. By inserting a small needle into a muscle’s trigger point, the therapist relaxes the muscles and increases blood flow in the painful area.

6- Electrotherapy:

Electrotherapy is the application of an electric current to the affected area of the body to accelerate healing and reduce swelling and pain.

7- Soft Tissue Treatment:

Soft tissue treatment involves assessing and treating any soft tissue injury that is causing pain and abnormal function. It includes ligaments, tendons, muscles, and fascia.

However, physiotherapists use a number of soft tissue treatments depending on your symptoms.

Is A Lumbosacral Strain Permanent?

Common low back strains will generally heal naturally, but there are some things you can do to speed up the healing process. You should ice your back as soon as possible to reduce pain and swelling. 

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.