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Lower Back Pain From Squats

All over the world, athletes in every sport constantly do squats. Wanna know the reason why? Studies have shown that squatting has a direct effect on your body strength – your ability to overcome speed. But on the other hand, if you’re not squatting right. You may get lower back pain from squats. Or even dizziness and other issues.

What Causes Injuries While Squatting?

If done properly, squatting is unlikely to cause injury. However, the spine is the most vulnerable joint of all others. You may feel pain here while squatting. There are a number of reasons why this might happen:

  • Bad squatting technique

  • Any Past injuries to the lower back

  • Insufficient hip mobility

  • Weak core muscles

  • Limited movement in the joints

  • Wrong or inappropriate shoes

  • Increasing load fastly while squatting

Some Common Causes Of Lower Back From Squatting

Lower back pain from squatting can be attributed to various factors such as poor form, muscle strain, or underlying issues. For effective pain management in Dallas, consider seeking specialized care at Premier Pain Centers, where experienced specialists employ advanced techniques to address and alleviate discomfort related to lower back pain from squatting.

1- Bad Squatting Technique

You have to keep the proper form to get a successful squat. This is important not only to get the most out of exercises but also to do it without pain. However, From start to finish, the way you position your body during squats is important.

Also, If proper procedure is not followed during squatting, the squat is the most likely cause of lower back pain, due to the weight of your spine.

2- Past Injuries In The Lower Back

If we suffer from a back injury, we should immediately stop doing any form of exercise that might be harmful to our health, including squats. You can still do squats to keep your spine stable, and if possible, you feel no pain while exercising.

Lower back pain may occur if your injury interferes with your spine. In this case, it is best to avoid squats until you are recovered.

3- Insufficient Hip Mobility

Squats will cause pain if you do not have the required ankle and hip flexion. Because you are locked in a limited area most of the day and supported by a chair, your body adapts to the sitting position, leading to muscular atrophy and a decrease in the flexible width of the glutes and hip flexors, in particular.

4- Weak Core Muscles

Squats put a lot of strain on your core muscles, and strengthening your spine is one of the most important things. Stability can be complicated if you do not have the required energy in your core. This is mostly true when your spine is loaded, as in the back squat. If you do not have enough strength in your core, your back may be hyperextended. This is one of the most common causes of low back pain when squatting.

However, this is not it. You may also get lower back pain and dizziness if the condition is too bad. Or you may also experience lower back pain when coughing.

Lower Back Pain And Dizziness

The delicate bones along your spinal column contain the nerves of your spinal cord. A bone or a supportive disk that slips out of place can put pressure on your nerves, leading to pain. However, In rare instances, back pain and dizziness can signal a severe condition, such as a stroke or brain hemorrhage. Again To avoid this we must treat the root cause which is probably squatting wrong.

Lower Back Pain When Coughing

Coughing can cause a person to lean forward slightly. This position can put stress on the lower back and may displace the vertebrae, or spinal bones, making lower back pain worse. Already the wrong squatting posture makes the back weaker than before. So, whenever you cough you feel pain.

Here’s How You Can Avoid Back Pain While Doing A Squat

To avoid back pain when squatting, choose a squat variant that is right for you. The answer usually starts with low-range and easy-to-use forms of squats such as goblet squats or front squats.

Improve your hip mobility by activating your glutes and psoas muscles, as well as stabilizing your hip muscles. Warm up with your squat workout by doing exercises, in addition to the main opening routine. Not only will you protect your back, but you will also be able to lift more! So make that squat a painless feeling by understanding the problem area and taking full advantage of it.

How To Squat Correctly?

Squatting is a functional movement. It helps you do activities in your daily life, such as picking up shoes off the floor. Squatting also helps build strength in the legs and hips and stronger muscles. But if you don’t squat correctly, it can be painful to sore knees.

  • The Right Way to Squat

For example, when you go to reach into a low cabinet hold on to the countertop and “sit” down, using the muscles in your arms and buttocks for lowering and pulling yourself up. If squatting this way is still painful, place a chair in front of the cabinet or area where you need to pick something up. “Reaching to the floor from a seated position is much less stressful on the knees,”

  • Build Strength with Wall Squats

The ability to squat correctly without pain can be improved by building quadriceps, buttocks, and core muscles. Start with 10 wall squats three times per week. Stop at the point where you feel muscle pain, but continue to perform the exercise regularly, so that the non-painful range will increase as thigh, buttocks, and core muscles become stronger.

  1. Stand with your back flat against a wall. Feet should be shoulder-width apart and heels 18 inches away from the wall. Keep knees in line with heels, not out in front of toes.

  2. Breathe in and exhale as you squat by “sitting down” as far as you can comfortably go. Don’t drop buttocks lower than knees and keep knees in line with heels.

  3. Tighten abdominal muscles and flatten back against the wall. Or, place a ball behind your back to keep you from moving too far forward. Inhale as you return to a standing position, pushing up through heels to work the muscles in the back of your legs and buttocks.

How To Prevent Back Pain When You Squat?

Start by choosing a squat variation that’s right for you. If you’re new to squatting, then start with more beginner-friendly variations such as goblet squats or front squats. Before you begin to squat, make sure you are in the correct starting position. Your feet should be facing forward, and your hips and knees are at a higher risk of injury. 

Your knees become less stable due to foot arches collapsing inwards, which will affect your form and can lead to back pain. Also, Proper spinal alignment is facilitated by maintaining a straight-ahead or upward gaze when squatting. 

Make sure that you are only squatting as far as you feel in control and maintain good form. However, Outside of squatting, work on ankle flexibility to help improve your squat technique.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.