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Stiff Back | Causes, Exercises, Prevention, and Treatments

A person's back consists of all kinds of bones, joints, muscles, and other types of tissues that form a complex system. A person experiencing back pain may have difficulty performing daily tasks. Back pain may be caused by a variety of factors, including arthritis and injuries. Lower back pain and tightness may result from injuries to any of these body parts. 

A traumatic event, such as a car accident, a fall, or an injury sustained during sports may affect the lower back. During routine activities or ordinary daily activities, an individual may suffer an injury while performing a routine activity. Treatment plans may include exercises and medications for a stiff lower back. In addition to preventing stiffness in the lower back, there are several ways to do so.

Conditions Associated with Stiff Back

Conditions associated with stiff back Richardson are as follow:

  • Tight Hamstrings

Hamstring muscles are located at the back of thighs. As a result of sedentary lifestyles and neglect of stretching before exercise, bulky and large muscles can become tight. Having tight hamstrings increases pelvic pressure, resulting in stiff back.

  • Pain Associated With The Sciatic Nerve

Compression of the sciatic nerve root causes sciatic nerve pain. One or both legs are affected by severe back pain that radiates to the buttocks and lower back.

  • Lumbar Strain

The lumbar spine can be injured acutely, resulting in tightened muscles which cause pain and cramping. The body performs this action to prevent further muscle injury. The following factors cause lumbar strains.

  • Tightness Elsewhere in the Body

A sedentary lifestyle or inadequate stretching may contribute to excessive spinal flexion. Patients who suffer from excessive spinal flexion may also suffer from soreness and tenseness in their lower backs.

Your hips are responsible for your ability to walk, bend, and turn. Tight hip flexor tips may cause inflammation and tenderness in the lumbar spine tissues.

  • An arthritic joint

In addition to lubricating the joints and absorbing shock, the cartilage and discs between the vertebrae absorb shock. Osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine causes the cartilage to thin and break. The rubbing of the lower back bones may result in inflammation and tightening of the lower back muscles over time. This condition causes difficulty twisting and bending the midsection.

Rheumatoid arthritis, another cause of back pain, can occur anywhere on the body. Aging and constant wear and tear on the vertebrae are the main causes of arthritis.

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis

Discs between the vertebrae of the spine swell in ankylosing spondylitis, a rare form of arthritis. When the vertebrae fuse over time, they may become stiff and immobile. This arthritis affects men and is often inherited.

  • Ruptured Discs

The herniated disc, also known as ruptured disc, is caused by the rubbery center disc pushing through a crack in the outer disc.

As a result, spinal cord stimulation compression occurs. An individual may experience pain, numbness, stiffness, and weakness as a result of this disease. An individual suffering from a ruptured disk may also experience sharp pains in their legs and buttocks as well as weakness. Sciatica may result from a herniated disc pressing on the spinal column nerves leading to stiff back.

  • Sitting or Standing with a Curved Spine

Poor posture or prolonged standing or sitting with the spine curved can cause back muscles to become tense and painful. When you sit at your computer all day with your back hunched forward, you may experience soreness and stiffness in your back.

Other Conditions Than Internal Body Disorders

Conditions other than internal health issues, as followed by pain management in Dallas, include:

  • Resting On An Unsupportive Mattress

The hips may sink too far into the bed due to a sagging or damaged mattress. This results in a misalignment between the hips and the shoulders. This results in an exaggerated spinal curvature and tense back muscles.

An excessively soft mattress can also result in excessive sinking. An individual who sleeps heavier, for example, is likely to be heavier than one who sleeps lightweight. When a mattress is too soft, the spine bows, causing pressure on the lower back and sinking.

  • Lifting Heavy Objects

Heavy lifting can cause lumbar spine trauma. An injury to the back and thighs may strain the extensors (back and thighs) or the flexors (abdominal and hip muscles). This may result in muscles and ligaments in the spinal column seizing and spasming due to the damage.

  • Poor Sitting Posture

Most people spend eight hours a day sitting down and do not maintain proper sitting posture during that time.

As a result of these unhealthy postures, the following side effects may occur:

  • Muscle tension in the lower back

  • Symptoms of lumbar spine strain

  • Gradually, the spine loses its normal curvature

How To Prevent A Stiff Back? 

  • To prevent the pulling and straining of muscles, it is advised to stretch or warm up before indulging in any physical activity or sports

  • Sleeping on a mattress that cushions the spine should be used.

  • Regular exercise can also prevent a stiff back

  • Maintaining a good posture can solve major back problems.

  • Using back supports

Treatment of Stiff Back

Simple measures can be taken to treat lumbar strains and lumbar spine arthritis. Occasionally, lumbar arthritis may require surgery, but this is extremely rare. The following treatments will be most effective for most back stiffness patients:

1- Ice and Heat 

A heating pad or pack can be used to gently warm the spine before exercising to relieve back stiffness and sore muscles.

2- Analgesics 

Advil (ibuprofen) and Aleve (naproxen) are two over-the-counter NSAIDs that are effective for back pain. If over-the-counter medications don't help, pain physicians in Dallas may prescribe Celebrex (celecoxib) or muscle relaxers.

3- Stretching and Exercises 

Gentle back stretches and exercises can also relieve low back stiffness. Many patients also feel better when doing yoga or Pilates.

4- Improve Posture

When sitting, keep the spine straight to prevent spine pressure. Keep your arms in line with your torso as you roll your shoulders up and down. Be sure to maintain a straight spine and support your lower back when resting against the chair back. Back pain doctor in Dallas note that posture improvement not only relieves back pain, but also shoulder pain.

5- Light Exercise

The best way to overcome stiff backis to engage in light exercise. Bed rest used to be the standard course of treatment for back injuries, but that is rarely the case with the most severe injuries. In contrast, most healthcare providers today recommend light exercise rather than remain completely immobile.

Walking slowly, folding laundry, putting groceries away, and performing light household chores are examples of light activities. Exercise can alleviate discomfort, but avoid activities that require bends or twists.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.