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Understanding the Hypolordosis Types and Lifestyle Adjustments

It generally refers to the loss of those healthy curves. The word ‘hypolordosis’ has the Greek root ‘hypo’ meaning ‘under’ and ‘lordosis’ meaning ‘to bend back’. When a person has hypolordosis of the cervix or lumbar spine, their spine becomes abnormally straight and can develop conditions known as military neck or flatback syndrome.

There are many popular medical terms that describe the spine and the conditions that affect it. To fully understand the meaning of a condition such as hypolordosis, we must first examine the basic anatomy of the spine and its associated terms.

Basic Spinal Anatomy

As mentioned earlier, natural curves that form a healthy spine are important because they enable the spine to withstand the force, evenly distribute that energy throughout, and facilitate flexible movement.

However, If there is a loss of one or more of those healthy curves, it affects the entire spine and its biomechanics. The spine is divided into three main sections. From top to bottom, cervical spine (upper spine and neck), thoracic spine (middle spine), and lumbar spine (lower back).

Scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis refer to abnormal spinal curvature, and there are many unhealthy curves and conditions that can develop in the spine. Scoliosis describes the lateral curvature of more than 10 degrees with rotation.

The normal external curvature of the spine in the thoracic region is called kyphosis, and lordosis refers to the normal internal curvature of the spine in the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spine. from the side, you can see how the curves interact as they move toward the center of the body and exit outward away from them. You can also see how the loss of one curve can lose the alignment of the entire spine as each curve is connected to the other.

Now that we have covered the basic principles commonly used to discuss spinal conditions, we can now move on to the definition of hypolordosis.

What Is Hypolordosis?

As we have broken the word before, let us look at the structural side of what happens in the spinal cord of a person with hypolordosis. Hypolordosis is a small curve or curve in the spine. Loss of the natural curve puts unpleasant spinal tension and pressure on the anterior spinal plane, which includes the spinal discs and the bodies of the vertebrae.

The effects of this stress and stress cause compression of the discs and each vertebra that forms the spine. Having a flat spine causes the flat spine to unnaturally stretch the back muscles of the back. It can shorten the hamstrings and tighten the anterior hip-flexor muscles, enlarging irregularly; this can cause the pelvic tilt of the back while the front of the pelvis is raised and the back of the pelvis is lowered. However, hypolordosis can also lead to neck problems like flat neck syndrome.

The body has a natural ability to sustain itself and support itself. As these architectural changes occur, it tries to maintain its balance in many ways. Squeezing and loosening of the muscles occur throughout the body in an attempt to combat the unequal active force.

These attempts to maintain normalcy can disrupt the neuro-musculoskeletal system, making a person particularly vulnerable to chronic stress, early points, joint pain and inflammation, abnormal neuromuscular function, disc transformation, vertebral compression fractures, head, and so on.

The spinal cord and the brain work together to form the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS is responsible for facilitating communication between the mind and body; almost all systems within the body depend on its full functioning. This is why spinal conditions can produce a number of symptoms that may appear unrelated and may be felt throughout the body.

  • Hypolordosis of the Cervical Spine

The neck is very important in your whole life. It connects the brain to the rest of the body and helps to transmit important messages to the organs, muscles, and various systems that function within the body. A healthy cervical vertebra resembles a wide ‘C’ shape with a forward (forward) curve. This curve helps to support the weight of the head and facilitates wider movement.

The cervical spine consists of the first seven vertebrae and extends from the base of the skull to the beginning of the thoracic spine. If there is a loss of cervical curvature and it becomes flatter, a condition called ‘military neck’ may develop; the word makes sense when you think of a line of soldiers with a straight neck with arms clasped at the sides.

When the curvature of the cervix becomes straight, this is diagnosed as hypolordosis of the cervical spine.

  • Hypolordosis of the Lumbar Spine

Hypolordosis of the lumbar spine affects the lower back. Like cervical hypolordosis, this condition also refers to the loss of healthy curvature, but to a lesser degree. This leads to a condition known as ‘flatback syndrome’: a major disruption to the back of the lumbar spine.

The lumbar curvature begins at the first vertebra of the lumbar spine and extends to the top of the sacrum (a triangular-shaped bone that lies between the hips of the pelvis). 

As with cervical hypolordosis, lumbar hypolordosis can lead to many complications as it induces severe spinal stress, which puts the spinal discs and vertebrae at risk for degenerative effects and injuries.

The lumbar curvature is slower than other spinal arcs, but treatment to restore its healthy lordosis will follow the same lines as cervical hypolordosis.

What Are The Symptoms?

Common symptoms of cervical and lumbar hyperlordosis include:

  • Numbness or tingling in your back

  • Crick in neck

  • A lack of mobility in the neck or lower back

  • Back Spasms or tightness in your lower back

  • Shooting, aching, and sharp pain focused in your lower back

  • A loss of bladder control

Exercises to Help Hyperlordosis

Correcting postural hyperlordosis requires balancing weak and strong postural muscles. The goal is to strengthen the muscles against the strong, strong front muscles of the body while stretching the strong muscles. The result should be a well-supported spine on both sides.

1. Finding the Correct Posture

Learning how good posture feels can help you maintain good posture between exercises.

Step 1: Sit in a chair with a straight back, so your buttocks touch the chair back. Keep your feet flat on the floor and keep your weight evenly between both hips.

Step 2: Push your chest forward as far as is comfortable and push your shoulders back to emphasize your spine’s curve as much as possible.

Step 3: Relax this stretch until your spine feels “straight.” If your shoulder blades are touching the chair, there should be room to fit your hand and little else between your lower back and the chairback.

However, This exercise helps you find the correct posture without anterior pelvic tilt. You can repeat it regularly to remind yourself of a healthy posture.

2. Kneeling Back Stretches

Stretching and releasing your lower back can help relax the muscles responsible for hyperlordosis.

  • Firstly Kneel on the floor and place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart.

  • Secondly Lean forward, round your entire back, drop your tailbone towards the floor and hold for five seconds.

  • Thirdly Slowly rock backward and bring your tailbone as close to your heels as you can. Leave your hands in place on the floor, and let your head relax. Hold this position for five seconds.

Repeat this up to ten times daily.

3. Knee Chest Stretch

Stretching your thigh muscles and hamstrings can help your legs support your posture as well.

Step 1: Lie flat on the ground with your arms extended.

Step 2: Lift one leg, place your hands on your knee, and gently pull your knee to your chest. You should feel a stretch in your lower back and your buttock. Hold for five to ten seconds.

Step 3: Repeat with your other leg, then repeat with both legs at once.

Repeat this up to ten times per set and complete three sets daily.

4. Pelvic Tilt Exercise

Strengthening your glutes and trunk muscles is key to keeping your spine supported.

  • Firstly Lie on the floor with your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart.

  • Secondly, Tighten your abdominal muscles and glutes to tilt your pelvis away from the ground.

  • Then Check that your spine is completely in contact with the ground, then hold your position for ten seconds.

Repeat up to ten times per day.

5. Planks

Planks strengthen the entire torso, helping to balance your trunk muscles more effectively.

Step 1: Lie flat on the floor on your stomach. Lift yourself up on your forearms so that your elbows are under your shoulders.

Step 2: Tighten your abdominal muscles while lifting your hips off the floor. Aim to keep your entire body in one straight line from ankles to shoulders. If your pelvis starts sagging, focus on lifting it.

Step 3: Hold each plank for thirty seconds or as long as you can.

You can repeat this exercise five times daily. It also helps in treating military neck, and cervical kyphosis.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.