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3 Things To Look For In A Pain Management Plan - Premier Pain Centers

Patients who have suffered from pain have stories of hit-and-miss encounters with medical care. They often talk to different doctors about the same condition and take—or don’t take—different pharmaceuticals to try to offset their pain. But when pain lasts for 3 months or longer, it becomes known as chronic. And chronic pain sufferers need consistent care. 

Consistent care starts with a personal pain management plan designed by our physician at Premier Pain Centers in the greater Fort Worth, TX, region. But what does a good pain management plan look like? Everyone thinks of prescription drugs when it comes to pain management, but there are also important considerations beyond pharmaceutical interventions. Here are 3 important things to look for in a quality pain management plan.

1. Defined Parameters of Time

There are several units of time that need to be discussed with your pain management physician. You will want to know how long it will take for you to feel better. You will also need to know how long you will have to stick with the plan to manage your pain. 

Also, a good pain management plan will have checkpoints built in to reassess the effectiveness of the treatment and to make adaptations. “When devising the best pain management plan for you, I will go over the timeline with you so you know what to expect and will give you a schedule for follow-up visits so I can continue to monitor your condition,” said Premier Pain Centers’ Medical Director, Dr. Rao Ali. “You’re not alone when it comes to dealing with your chronic pain.”

2. Lifestyle Guidelines

A good pain management plan will include therapies that can aid in pain relief. These non-prescription treatments can help you feel better and become stronger and healthier.

Activities such as walking, yoga, water aerobics, and tai chi are low-impact ways of boosting your natural endorphins, strengthening your support muscles, reducing stress, and keeping down weight gain that can exacerbate your condition. Talk with dr ali pain management about an exercise plan that is attainable for you. There are also foods that can support the body as it struggles with chronic pain.

 Foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins can help lessen pain signals as well as boost muscle gain and cartilage strength. Additionally, bone density can be improved with dietary changes. Begin by following the 5-a-Day Fruits & Vegetables guideline and discuss other dietary plans with Dr. Ali.

3. Therapy Might Provide Relief

Depending on the cause of your chronic pain, there are some therapies available that might provide relief. Palliative care might include acupuncture, deep tissue massage, or chiropractic care. Physical therapy has also proven to be successful in alleviating chronic pain. 

Other alternative approaches include biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, electric nerve stimulation, and guided imagery. “There may be some additional therapeutics that can be done to help with your pain. We will examine every option first to ensure your pain management plan is the most minimally invasive and safest for you,” said Dr. Ali.

Call Today to schedule an Appointment Need a comprehensive pain management plan to target your chronic pain? We’re ready to discuss the personalized treatment options that can bring some relief to your painful condition. Call us today at 469-562-4188 or email us at and let’s make an appointment to get you the help you need.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.