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Do You Want To Know How To Sit With Si Joint Pain?

SI joint pain, also known as sacroiliac joint pain, can be a devitalizing condition that causes many individuals to suffer. The sacroiliac joints link the sacrum (a triangular bone present at the ending point of the spine) to the ilium (the elongated bones on both sides of the pelvis). When there is swelling or irritation in these joints, it leads to SI joint pain.

As a result, the lower back becomes stiff and painful. The pain becomes more severe when the individual stands or sits for a longer period. To relieve the pain, it is necessary to seek medical help and physical exercises. Since it is not an easy task to diagnose sacroiliitis, because it generally resembles lower back pain.You should be aware of  causes, diagnosis, signs and symptoms, and treatment choices for SI joint pain to help you better understand and manage this condition.

Causes of SI Joint Pain

SI joint pain can be caused by various factors, including:

1- Injury or Trauma

 A fall, car accident, or sports injury can lead to SI joint dysfunction and subsequent pain.

2- Pregnancy and Childbirth 

During pregnancy, hormones are released that loosen ligaments and prepare the body for delivery. As a result, this hormonal change causes instability in the SI joints, resulting in pain.

3- Arthritis

Destructive conditions such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid spondylitis can damage the SI joints undoubtedly causing  inflammation and discomfort.

4- Postural Imbalances

Poor posture, muscle imbalances, or improper body mechanics can put excess stress on the SI joints clearly leading to pain over time.

How to Identify SI Joint Pain

Identifying SI joint pain can be challenging as the symptoms can mimic other conditions. However, the following signs may indicate SI joint dysfunction:

1) Low Back Pain

SI joint pain often manifests as pain in the lower back, primarily on one side. Alongside, the pain may diffuse to the bottom, pelvis, or thighs.

2) Hip Or Groin Pain 

Discomfort in the hip or groin area, usually on one side, may indicate SI joint involvement.

3) Pain When Transitioning

Pain can become severe  especially when changing positions from sitting to standing, ascending stairs, or stooping forward.

4) Pain With Prolonged Sitting Or Standing

SI joint pain may definitely worsen with prolonged periods of sitting or standing.

5) Stiffness And Reduced Range Of Motion

SI joint dysfunction can lead to stiffness and subsequently limit mobility in the lower back and hips.

What To Know About Si Joint Pain For Diagnosis?

Proper diagnosis by a Joint pain doctor is crucial for effective treatment. If you suspect SI joint pain, consult Richardson pain management center who may conduct the following assessments:

1- Medical History

The pain management doctors will firstly investigate your indications, past medical reports, and last but not the least, any earlier injuries or conditions.

2- Physical Examination 

The healthcare provider will perform a physical examination particularly assessing your range of motion, joint tenderness, and any signs of inflammation.

3- Diagnostic Tests 

For further confirmation of the condition, certain diagnostic tests including X-rays and MRI scans can also be performed. In addition, CT scans may also be a choice in order to eliminate other possible causes of your discomfort and evaluate the condition of the SI joints.

4- Diagnostic Injections 

In some cases, diagnostic injections may be administered to determine if the SI joint is the source of pain. Whereas, if temporary pain relief is experienced following a diagnostic injection into the SI joint, it can confirm the diagnosis.

What Treatment Options are Available?

Treatment options available at the pain management in Fort Worthaim to reduce symptoms, strengthen joint function, and increase altogether quality of life. Following are some generally endorsed approaches:

a) Medications

Drugs available without prescription such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can facilitate in reducing pain and inflammation. Conversely in critical conditions, prescription drugs or muscle tranquilizers may be prescribed.

b) Physical Therapy

Targeted exercises including stretches can facilitate the muscles to relax around the SI joint, enhance stability, and relieve pain. Whereas, physical therapists may also apply methods such as physical therapy and joint activation.

c) Joint Injections

Corticosteroid injections into the SI joint can provide temporary relief from pain and inflammation. However these injections can be repeated if necessary.

d) Radiofrequency Ablation

This minimally invasive procedure uses heat to deactivate the nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals from the SI joint. As a result, it provides longer-lasting pain relief.

e) Supportive Devices

Wearing a supportive belt or brace can provide stability to the SI joint and help alleviate pain during activities.

f) Lifestyle Modifications

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help in long-term management of pain. Importantly it includes weight management, practicing good body poses, and ignoring activities that trigger SI joint pain. Hence, can participate in management of pain in the longer run.

g) Surgical Intervention

In occasional cases where supportive care fails to eliminate discomfort, surgical procedures may be considered. Moreover, surgical options include SI joint fusion or stabilization procedures.


However, a few complications are also noticed that develop with sacroiliitis. It should be noticed that they restrict the body movements and posture that disturbs the sitting and standing actions. Moreover, it can also trigger anxiety alongside insomnia.


SI joint pain can crucially impact daily life, but with appropriate diagnosis and treatment, it is attainable to cure the ailment effectively. Undoubtedly, it is recommended  to consult a healthcare expert to obtain the potential diagnosis and start a feasible treatment plan customized to your precise needs. Such services are provided at premier pain centers. Not only a combination of supportive care measures, including physical therapy and medications is offered  but also with lifestyle modifications. As a result, you can attain control over your SI joint pain and experience overall well-being.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.