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Rehabilitation Techniques for Faster Recovery from Lower Leg Pain

Any discomfort to your leg can disturb your whole day, as you would be unable to perform different tasks by moving. Leg pain can be felt like cramping, stabbing, or burning. Leg pain can be either due to some kind of trauma, injury or indication of underlying condition like diabetic neuropathy may also cause discomfort in legs. So, the treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the condition either due to a problem in the leg or other parts of the body. Pain management specialists will reach the root cause of the problem by applying different tests, those may be imaging tests followed by physical examination.

Symptoms of Lower Leg pain

Lower leg pain may be accompanied by symptoms such as: 

  • Cramps in legs

  • Leg Pain at Night

  • Restlessness

  • Leg Weakness

  • Achy Legs

  • Dead leg

  • Abnormal skin redness on the legs

  • Localized warmth and swelling 

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs

  • Bluish, bulging veins in the legs

  • Itching around veins in the legs

  • Throbbing or cramping pain with swelling in legs

  • Fatigue whole day

Other Causes of Leg Pain

Leg pain can also be caused by the following conditions and injuries, however, they are less common: 

1-  Compression Of Spinal Nerves

When a slipping disk (herniated disc) occurs, one of the rubbery disks between the vertebrae slips out of place and compresses the spinal nerves, which may cause arm and leg pain. 

2-  Osgood-Schlatter Disease

When a tendon which connects the kneecap to the shinbone gets strained then this condition may lead to a painful condition known as Osgood-Schlatter disease. As a result, a painful lump forms below the knee, causing tenderness and swelling around the knee. It is most common among adolescents experiencing puberty-induced growth spurts. 

3-  Leg-Calve-Perthes

The condition Leg-Calve-Perthes arises from an interruption of blood supply to the hip joint ball, causing severe damage to the bone and permanent deformation. These abnormalities frequently cause pain, especially around the hip, thigh, or knee. Adolescence is often the time of this occurrence.

4-  Tendonitis

An inflamed or irritated tendon in the lower leg can occur due to an overuse of the calf muscles or increase in physical activity intensity. Tendonitis in the lower leg usually happens as a result of overuse of the calf muscles. 

5-  Sciatica

The condition of sciatica occurs when one or more nerves traveling from the lower spine to the leg are irritated. It is characterized by fatigue, pain, cramps, weakness, and numbness in the lower back. 

6-  Involuntary Contractions

Involuntary contractions of the lower leg muscles cause muscle cramps, which are excruciatingly painful. Overuse, strain, and dehydration can trigger these sudden, tight cramps. People with fibromyalgia, thyroid disease, liver disease and diabetes are more likely to develop muscle cramps. 

7-  Deep Vein Thrombosis

Blood clots form in deep veins of the body, often in the calves. Deep vein thrombosis can result in blood clots traveling to your lungs and causing pulmonary embolisms. 

8-  Chronic Venous Insufficiency

In this condition, blood pools in the legs and flows backward into the veins. Several symptoms accompany this condition, including leg cramps, swelling around the ankles, aching, throbbing, itching sensations in the legs, and weakness.

9-  Varicose Veins

The name 'varicose veins' refers to enlarged, twisted, and swollen veins and are often found on the lower legs. If you have varicose veins, there may be a feeling of heaviness and a dull ache in the legs; cramps may also be present. Your skin may feel itchy.

Diagnosis of Lower Leg Pain

Doctors may pass you through different value-able tests to reach the root cause of your disease.

  • Blood Tests 

Your doctor may ask you to perform blood tests to examine for markers of 

  • Inflammation,

  • Nutritional deficiencies, 

  • Immune system abnormalities, 

  • Blood clotting, 

  • Diabetes, 

  • Cholesterol, and other factors that may be causing your leg pain.

  • Ultrasound

A sound wave imaging test can be used to diagnose soft tissue conditions, such as Achilles tendinitis, by producing images of structures in your body.

  • Electromyography (EMG) 

Using a needle electrode, this test measures the electrical activity in muscles, allowing for the detection of nerve damage leading to muscle weakness.

  • Computerized Tomography (CT) 

During a CT scan, many X-ray images are combined to form a detailed cross-section of the body. It is an excellent test for assessing large areas of the body, and is cheaper and faster than an MRI.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 

This  test is often necessary when it comes to obtaining detailed images of soft tissues and ligaments around joints in the leg or back.

  • Venography

A dye is injected into a vein in your leg and X-ray images are taken to determine whether there are any blood clots.

When to Visit Medical Professionals 

Lower leg pain can be effectively treated at Fort Worth Pain Management.You should consult your healthcare provider, if you face any of the following symptoms:

  • A swollen or red leg is associated with the painful condition.

  • A fever has been detected in you.

  • The intensity of your pain increases when you walk or exercise and decreases when you rest.

  • The leg is pale and cold.

  • You feel tingly or numb in your leg

  • You have a weak leg

  • Fluid retention is present in your body

  • The legs on both sides of your body are swollen, and you are having breathing difficulties

  • The varicose veins on your feet are painful

  • If you are taking medicines that may cause leg pain, do not stop taking or change your medicine without consulting your healthcare provider 

Pain Relief Tips for legs

The cause of lower leg pain can be attributed to a number of factors, which Dr Rao Ali is qualified to address. Leg pain can be prevented in some cases, but some of the most common conditions can be prevented by taking these measures:

  • Gradually increase activity. To avoid injury, you should gradually increase your intensity level of exercise rather than jumping into a high-intensity routine.

  • Exercise in a variety of ways. Make sure you vary your exercise routine so that you are less likely to sustain an injury.

  • Shoes should be supportive. Exercise shoes should have sufficient heel cushioning and arch support.

  • Keep your muscles flexible. A stretch of the leg muscles, in particular the calf muscles, can help prevent the development of Achilles tendinitis.

  • Strengthen bones. Vitamin D rich and calcium rich food is very necessary to stop bone fractures.

  • Drink plenty of water. Leg cramps may be prevented by drinking enough fluids rich with electrolytes.

  • Keep a healthy weight refrain from smoking. 

  • Don't spend too much time sitting still. Blood clots in the legs can be caused by prolonged sitting.

  • Keep your diet nutrient rich. Maintaining good cardiovascular and nerve health can be accomplished through a healthy diet.

Muscle Scraping. It is easy to scrape your muscles by using tools. It is very effective in increasing blood circulation, which will in return relieve leg pain.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.