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Would You Like To Know If You Have A Broken Neck?

A spinal cord injury or swelling of nearby nerves can cause this condition. In the neck, there are seven small bones known as cervical vertebrae. This group of bones is located between the base of the skull and the top of the shoulder blades in the human body. There is usually a fractured cervical vertebra that results in a broken neck. The fracture is also known as a spinal fracture as well as a cervical fracture.

The consequences of a broken neck can be life-threatening in severe cases. In order to protect the spinal cord and nerves, the cervical vertebrae serve this function. Damage to the spinal cord or nerves may result in paralysis or death. Alternatively, if the spinal cord has not been damaged, a neck brace or cervical collar may be worn to treat a broken neck.

Identifying the broken vertebrae helps neck pain doctors to determine the severity of the injury. If you suffer a broken neck or any neck injury, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Symptoms of A Neck Fracture

As neck fractures are usually the result of traumatic injuries, the symptoms can vary depending on what caused the injury. A person who remains conscious throughout the event may experience the following symptoms immediately following it:

1- Pain

  • A broken bone, particularly a spinal bone, can be extremely painful, causing pain both locally and radiating to other parts of the body in nearby areas. You may also feel neck pain doing some activities like,

  • Neck pain when cycling 

  • Pain in neck when swallowing

2- Numbness

A spinal cord injury or swelling of nearby nerves can cause this condition. Injuries to nerves may cause tingling, pins and needles, or other sensations such as tingling. Depending on the location and severity of the injury, these injuries may occur in almost any part of the body, and they do not necessarily follow a predictable course.

3- Swelling

An inflammatory response is triggered by broken bones and damaged soft tissue, resulting in internal bleeding and bone bruising. A spinal injury can result in significant swelling, both deep internal swelling as well as palpable swelling. Symptoms associated with neck injuries may improve as the swelling settles.

4- Trouble Breathing

Neck injuries can make it hard to breathe, so always go to the ER if you have breathing problems.Pain management in Fort Worth is one way to help lessen the pain and other symptoms associated with this injury.


In more recent times, the terms 'broken neck' and 'crick in the neck' have been used to describe different types of neck injuries and ailments. An individual may suffer a broken neck if they are subjected to sudden or severe trauma to the neck or head. The injury may occur as a result of a sport or other physical activity, as well as as a result of an accident or serious fall.

The following factors may also contribute to the development of a broken neck:

  • Accidents involving automobiles, motorcycles, or bicycles

  • A fall from a ladder, a roof, or while riding a horse

  • Taking a dive into a shallow pool or body of water

  • During skiing, sledding, skateboarding, or surfing, you may fall or hit an object

  • As a result of contact sports, such as football, soccer, hockey, or martial arts, the head is slammed

  • Falling during acrobatic activities such as cheerleading, gymnastics, or trampolining

According to one study, adolescents are more likely than other age groups to suffer cervical fractures as a result of sports.  The person who sustains a neck injury in an accident should call 911 and refrain from moving his or her head, neck, or body. In order to prevent further injury, emergency medical personnel should handle a victim with a neck injury carefully.

Testing and Diagnosis

The management of neck injuries caused by sports requires a high level of suspicion for severe conditions such as neck fractures. Medical professionals treat neck and spinal cord injuries as emergencies. After obtaining medical clearance and returning to pre-injury strength, athletes should not resume their sport or activity. 

As soon as possible, the patient should undergo a detailed neurological examination to determine whether he or she has suffered an injury to the spinal cord or instability. A physician may diagnose the following conditions based on the incident, symptoms, physical examination, and radiological results:

a) Computed Tomography Scan (Ct Or Cat Scan)

A computer-generated image of the spinal canal, its contents, and surrounding structures, is created after reading X-ray images.

b) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

The device produces three-dimensional images of body structures, including the spinal cord and nerve roots.

c) X-ray

A radiographic technique that uses radiation to produce a picture or film of the vertebral structure and alignment and the outline of the joints in the body.

Treatment of Cervical Fractures

Patients suffering from cervical fractures have a variety of treatment options available to them. The treatment plan for an individual will depend on the location, severity, and symptoms of the fracture. The treatment of fractures typically includes surgery, immobilization, physical therapy, and medication. 

When there's a suspected fracture in the neck, don't move the patient until it's stable.  This rule will only apply if the patient's life is at risk due to an accident. Ice or heat for neck pain is generally recommended, but neck injury treatment depends on severity.

The following treatments are available for cervical fractures:

1) Surgery

Connecting bone fragments and holding them in place may require plates, screws, or wires. Surgical procedures may be necessary to repair damaged vertebrae, relieve spinal pressure, or remove damaged vertebral discs.

2) Immobilization

An immobilizer (brace or collar) can be worn for up to eight weeks in order to treat some fractures.

3) Medication

The purpose of this medication is to control pain and inflammation. In the case of an infection, a physician may prescribe antibiotics.

4) Physical Therapy

The cervical spine and surrounding area must undergo physical therapy after surgery or immobilization in order to regain strength and range of motion. 

Fortunately, there are many different options when it comes to pain management richardson for those who have sustained a broken neck.

Preventative Measures

As a result of improvements in athletic equipment and changes to the rules, the number of cervical fractures associated with sports has decreased. If you follow these steps, you will be able to protect yourself and your family:

  • When driving or riding in a vehicle, always wear a seatbelt.

  • Do not dive into shallow water, and ensure that young children are properly supervised when swimming and diving.

  • Follow all safety regulations and wear the proper equipment, including a spotter and cushioning mats.

  • Make small changes to prevent falls, such as taping down rugs and placing assistive devices near toilets, showers, and bathtubs.

  • Ensure that the home is safe for elderly individuals by conducting a home inspection.


There is no substitute for prompt medical treatment in the case of a broken neck. Paralysis or death may result from a fracture of the spinal cord. A brace, surgery, or other treatment may be able to assist a patient in recovering from a broken neck in most cases. Following a neck injury, an individual should seek medical attention immediately. As a result, they will have a greater chance of healing and recovering.

Premier Pain Centers

In addition to treating mild to severe muscle pain, Premier Pain Centers can also treat chronic pain. Providing comfort and peace to our customers is our company's mission. Dr. Ali develops an individualized treatment plan for each patient at Premier Pain Centers based on the individual's needs and goals.Because of our doctors' advanced training, experience, and qualifications, we are also able to treat serious pain problems.The company provides therapeutic services such as medical administration and interventional pain management. 

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.