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Why You Suffer from Hip Pain When Walking?

Hip pain can prominently affect your routine life, restricting your mobility and causing discomfort. Walking, which is a fundamental activity for most individuals, can become challenging and painful when hip problems arise. 

There are many underlying reasons including muscle deterioration, weakened bones, nerve damage, tendon damage and severe medical complications such as rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is important to contact a health care expert for proper diagnosis so that medication is administered.  Individuals of all age groups suffer from hip pain while walking, whereas it is more common in people of older ages.

It is essential to keep in mind that while the information delivered here is mindful, it is always recommended to consult a hip pain doctor for correct diagnosis and customized treatment procedure.

Understanding Hip Anatomy

When you shed light on the process of normal movements of your body including walking, climbing, bending etc., you get to know that your hips provide the maximum strength to your body. So, the hip bone is one of the most important bones of your body and any discomfort can totally ruin your life.

There is a complex system of bones: femur (thigh bone) and the pelvis. 

A joint: similar to ball-and-socket that helps in a variety of motions, most prominent are walking, running, and numerous other activities. 

The joint is supported by muscles, tendons, fibers, and cartilage, all of which perform together to provide stability and support.

Common Causes of Hip Pain When Walking

Here are the mostly discussed reasons that may lead to hip pain during walk:

1-  Osteoarthritis 

With the passing time, bones become more fragile and cartilage becomes swollen. This results in arthritis. Walking can exacerbate the discomfort, resulting in pain, stiffness, and limited mobility.

2-  Bursitis

Swelling of the bursae, small liquid-filled pouches that shield the hip joint, can generate hip pain. Walking can scratch the bursae, leading to pain.

3-  Hip Fracture

A hip fracture, often resulting from a fall or trauma, can cause intense pain and difficulty walking. Try to contact Dr Z in such a situation for better consultation.

4-  Tendonitis

Overuse or repetitive stress on the tendons surrounding the hip joint can lead to tendonitis. Walking, especially on uneven surfaces or for extended periods, can exacerbate the pain.

5-  Muscle Strains

Strained or pulled muscles in the hip region can cause pain during walking. This is generally observed in players or individuals who participate in tough physical activities.

6-  Hip Labral Tear

The labrum, a cartilage in the shape of a ring surrounding the hip joint, provides stability. When torn, it can cause hip pain and discomfort, particularly during weight-bearing activities like walking.

7-  Hip Impingement

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) reduces the cushioning between bones. This state causes resistance and bones of the hip joint pat against one another, causing ache and restricted movement.

Managing Hip Pain When Walking

It is necessary to maintain an active lifestyle and consider following point to reduce the chances of pain:

  • Rest and Modify Activities

Do not perform activities that aggravate the condition, conversely give time to heal and recover. Consider using walking aids like crutches or canes to offload weight from the affected hip.

  • Apply Ice or Heat

Applying ice or heating packs to the required area can lead to reduction in swelling and alleviate pain. Ice is recommended for acute injuries while heat for severe conditions.

  • Pain Medications

Without prescription available medicines including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), for example ibuprofen, can sustain temporary comfort from hip pain. However, contact a dr ali pain management before taking any medication.

  • Physical Therapy

A physical therapist can plan customized exercise programs according to your special requirements to address hip flexor pain. Strengthening the muscles of the hip joint and enhancing flexibility can support reducing pain and improve mobility.

  • Weight Management

Try to sustain a healthy weight and focus to reduce pressure on the joint. More weight can trigger hip pain and stop the healing process. 

  • Assistive Devices

Using assistive devices like shoe inserts, orthotics, or a walking cane can help redistribute weight and alleviate pressure on the hip joint while walking.

Preventing Hip Pain When Walking

Most of the life becomes easy by engaging in preventive measures including following tips:

  • Stay Active

Adopt low-impact exercises including swimming or cycling. Such habits help in increasing joint elasticity and strength without putting excessive stress on the hip joint.

  • Warm-Up and Stretch

Before any physical activity, engage in warm-up movements and stretches to make sure your body muscles and joints are ready for movement.

  • Maintain Good Posture

Practice proper posture during walking and other activities to minimize strain on the hip joint. Keep your head up, shoulders back, and pelvis neutral.

  • Wear Proper Footwear

Select supportive and easy-going shoes that give covering and shock resisting effect. Replace damaged shoes regularly to sustain proper alignment and alleviate stress on the hip joint.

When You Will Make A Visit To Doctor

You can go to pain management doctors and ask for help if you are continuously experiencing pain for more than 2 consecutive days. 

Moreover, if an injury has occurred and it becomes worse with the passing time, an alarming moment has come to not further wait for self-recovery and visit the expert.


Hip pain when walking can notably alter your routine life performance, but understanding the undergoing causes and applying appropriate management techniques can facilitate in alleviating the discomfort. It is recommended to seek medical consultation by Fort Worth pain management to reach an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. 

By taking careful steps to treat hip pain, you can regain mobility and enjoy an active, pain-free lifestyle.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.