Disc Regenerative Therapy In Corsicana

Disc Regenerative Therapy

Regenerative medicine has made significant advances in modern medicine. The therapies developed in this field will revolutionize musculoskeletal treatments. Over the past few decades, most musculoskeletal treatments have not effectively treated the underlying causes of musculoskeletal disorders, but only addressed their symptoms. Using advancements in regenerative medicine, trained physicians can modify and treat a patient's underlying problem.

As opposed to simply treating the symptoms of the problem, this is a more comprehensive approach. In some instances, regenerative medicine is superior to conventional medicine. These revolutionary therapies have evolved over many years from novel ideas to proven and effective evidence-based treatments for previously unsolvable problems.

To learn more about our hillsboro disc regenerative therapy treatment services, give us a call at 469-562-4188 or contact us online today.

How does Disc Regenerative Therapy Help?

In addition to relieving pain, DRT often removes the cause of pain, triggering the body's natural healing mechanisms. A degenerative disc disease occurs when the discs between the vertebrae in the spine become less supple and more vulnerable to damage and inflammation.

The DRT procedure involves injecting a solution of glucosamine and dextrose into the disc center in order to facilitate the healing of the disc. These natural substances increase the strength of the painful disc by stimulating collagen fibers in the cartilage. By taking glucosamine by mouth, osteoarthritis pain is reduced and the rate of degeneration is slowed. DRT involves the application of the solution directly to the damaged disc, ensuring that it reaches the damage area as soon as possible.

Disc treatment may result in permanent improvement by working with the body's ability to heal itself.

Expected Results

DRT has been demonstrated to reduce pain and increase activity levels in clinical trials. If the intervertebral disc is altered in a favorable manner, then pain and disability may be reduced.

However, pain specialists in Dallas are incorporating disc regenerative therapy into their treatment plans for chronic discogenic pain patients despite further research being conducted. This technique is becoming more popular due to positive results. Additionally, it reduces surgical interventions.

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