SI Joint Injections in Dallas


Si Joint Injection

It is common for lower back pain to be a result of inflammation in the sacroiliac joints (SI) that connect the spine to the pelvis at the base of the spine. Additionally, it can also cause groin, buttock, and leg pain. Numerous reasons may cause these symptoms, and they occur frequently. A treatment plan can begin once your doctor confirms your pain is due to SI joint dysfunction, which doesn't respond well to generalized pain relief.

The purpose of sacroiliac joint injections is twofold: Their role is to diagnose and treat joint pain. Using SI joint injections is an effective method of diagnosing and treating SI joint dysfunctions. One may perform the procedures separately, with a purely diagnostic injection, or one may combine them. This treatment may be of benefit to those suffering from lower back pain . Lancaster spine and pain clinic is staffed by medical professionals dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients.

Si Injection Role For Diagnostic Purpose

Physicians may administer injections into the sacroiliac joint in order to treat symptoms associated with inflammation. In order to confirm or rule out a diagnosis, physicians are able to administer powerful numbing agents directly into the sacroiliac joint under X-ray guidance. An injection into the sacroiliac joint may alleviate symptoms. For patients with pain arising from the targeted joint, a second injection of a different anesthetic may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

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Si Injection Role For Therapeutic Purpose

It may be appropriate to consider injections of corticosteroids as a possible treatment option for individuals with SI joint pain. If oral medication does not provide sufficient relief, some physicians may recommend injections. Patients experiencing breakthrough pain may receive injections several times per year in conjunction with oral medication. A comprehensive conservative treatment plan usually includes injections of the sacroiliac joint prior to deciding on surgical intervention.

The Sacroiliac Joint Injection Procedure

Richardson Pain Management can provide assistance with joint pain for a variety of reasons. The procedure usually takes just a few minutes and patients are able to return home the same day. A separate procedure room or an operating room is usually used for sacroiliac joint injections. Injection procedures typically involve the following steps:

  • A patient is positioned on the radiography table face down after informed consent has been obtained. You may place a pillow under your hips during the procedure in order to ensure your comfort.
  • It is necessary to monitor the patient's vital signs and pulse rate during the procedure.
  • Depending on the patient's preference, the physician may insert an intravenous line to administer medication to assist in relaxation.
  • Injecting sterile gloves and applying iodine or alcohol solutions to the skin overlying the sacroiliac joint injection preserves sterility.
  • Prior to placing the needle under fluoroscopy guidance, the insertion site may be numb with anesthetic. A contrast dye is injected into the sacroiliac joint after the needle is placed to verify the placement and spread of the solution.
  • A diagnostic or therapeutic medication is injected into the joint once the needle has been guided into the joint successfully.
  • In general, an injection consists of two types of medications:
  • In order to confirm that the patient's pain is originating from the sacroiliac joint, a diagnostic injection is performed using this solution.
  • In addition to reducing inflammation within the joint, the use of anti-inflammatory medications (usually corticosteroid medications) may also help relieve pain for a longer period of time (typically several months, or even a year) by reducing inflammation. This solution is administered to the sacroiliac joint as a therapeutic injection.
  • How Does A Sacroiliac Joint Injection Affect The Body?

    A monitoring period of approximately 30 minutes will follow the procedure. The person driving you home may be able to assist you. If there are any restrictions on activity following the procedure, consult your doctor. As well, ask whether you can apply heat or ice to the area of the shot, and whether you can bathe the day after.

  • Please follow all directions provided by your healthcare provider, including those regarding your medications.
  • Following the injection, you may feel sore and have some weakness in your leg for a few hours.
  • If you experience pain related to the sacroiliac joint, a numbing agent may provide pain relief for the next few hours.
  • As the pain wears off throughout the day, it may become more severe.
  • When prescribed by your healthcare provider, steroid medicine may take up to seven days to reduce pain and inflammation in your joint.
  • Therefore, you may feel better for a few hours after receiving the injection. You may experience more pain following the administration of the steroid.
  • You may be asked to maintain a pain diary following the injection by your healthcare provider.
  • By keeping a diary, you can determine whether your pain is related to the sacroiliac joint.
  • Based on the results of this study, an injection may also be beneficial in the future.
  • Symptoms such as the following should be reported to your healthcare provider:

  • Intense pain
  • A leg that has been weak or numb for longer than a few hours.
  • Symptoms of fever
  • A sign of infection at the site of injection.
  • Symptoms such as redness, swelling, and oozing may be present.
  • In order to obtain additional information about the effects of your sacroiliac joint injection, please contact your healthcare provider. You should consult your healthcare provider if you experience pain following the procedure in order to discuss the effects of the procedure and develop a treatment plan.

    Are Sacroiliac Joint Injections Safe?

    The team of experienced physicians at Pain Management Fort Worth understands the impact SI joint pain can have on the quality of life of an individual.The injection of the sacroiliac joint is generally considered to be safe. The following risks may arise from the procedure:

  • The injection site may become infected
  • An injection site that bleeds
  • Damage to nerves
  • Weakness in the legs
  • An increase in pain
  • An allergic reaction to a medicine
  • If your injection includes steroid medicines, administered by pain specialists in Dallas, you may experience side effects. These can include a rise in blood sugar levels for one to two days, the possibility of an allergic reaction, and facial flushing. Additionally to the risks described above, you may also experience other health issues depending on your particular circumstances. If you have any concerns, you should consult your physician. Since Pain Management in Dallas provides comprehensive treatment and diagnosis guidelines for individuals, it is possible for them to regain health as a result of their consultation with them.

    Give us a call at 469-562-4188 or contact us online today to schedule an appointment for Sacroiliac Joint Injection treatment in lancaster, TX and the surrounding areas.

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