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How to Get Rid of Turkey Neck?

The term "turkey neck" refers to the appearance of wrinkled and sagging neck skin that resembles the skin of a turkey. Turkey's neck is a common symptom of aging. It happens due to the natural deprivation of skin elasticity and the instability of neck muscles over time.

Clinical characteristics of turkey neck may include:

  • Loose Muscles: Over time, the neck muscles can weaken and tone down. It may contribute to the appearance of a turkey neck.

  • Sagging Skin: As you grow, the skin on your neck becomes less elastic, with more thinning and less smoothness. This can cause the skin to sag and develop wrinkles and creases.

  • Double Chin: Extra fat in the neck and chin area can take part in the manifestation of a turkey neck and cause a double chin.

  • Horizontal Lines: Horizontal lines can arise on the neck because of the constant activity of the neck muscles over time.

  • Vertical Bands: Vertical cords or bands can also show on the neck, which occurs through the isolation of the neck muscles and the loosening of the skin.

Although turkey neck is a usual sign of aging, it might also occur because of weight gain or genetic issues. Turkey neck exercises and surgical and non-surgical treatments are available to reduce the presence of the turkey neck and regain a more defined and youthful neck contour.

What Causes Turkey Neck?

The appearance of the turkey neck is sometimes down to several causes, each playing a part in the gradual modification of the appearance of the chin and neck area. 

Aging: As we grow older, our skin becomes deprived of its elasticity because of the decreased amount of elastin and collagen, two proteins that offer skin flexibility and firmness. Additionally, muscles and fat are lost, causing the skin to sag. This visible process causes wrinkles and loose skin. Because the neck skin is so thin and delicate, this portion is more susceptible to age-related changes.

Weight changes: While significant weight gain or loss can stretch the skin, a decrease in weight may not cause the skin to fully return to its original position. This can cause sagging areas in the neck.

Sun exposure: Over time, ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can damage the skin, destroying collagen and elastin molecules as well as contributing to skin wrinkles and sagging.

Treatments for Turkey Neck

A turkey neck is sometimes an unavoidable part of growing old. For some individuals, having this skin issue will not be a serious problem, but for others, turkey neck may affect how they feel about their personality and their image. 

In the advancing world of dermatology, a variety of remedies for turkey neck are emerging, which means it is possible to regain the skin around the skin and neck and refresh a youthful complexion. If you're wondering how to get rid of turkey neck, consider the following treatment options:

  • Polynucleotides 

Polynucleotide treatments activate the body's natural processes to develop younger skin cells, promoting complete skin health from the inside out.

Polynucleotides are blocks of DNA. When inserted into the skin, they facilitate cell regrowth and rejuvenation, as well as improving skin cell activity. Polynucleotides can cause:

  • Increased levels of collagen and elastin contribute to the elasticity of the skin.

  • Increased extracellular material in the skin, facilitating hydration 

  • Decreased inflammation and pigmentation 

  • Enhanced skin texture and tone. 

  • AgeJET

AgeJET, a modern plasma skin regeneration remedy, enhances aged skin in sensitive areas, including the neck. During this advanced treatment, a plasma tool transfers nitrogen gas in managed pulses to the neck, causing a thermal injury deep within the tissues.

This triggers the skin’s natural recovery processes, allowing newer cells to regrow deep inside the skin. These skin cells possess improved activity and encourage the development of elastin and collagen. With time, these youthful skin cells can provide visible anti-aging effects for a turkey neck, including improved laxity and suppleness, decreased wrinkles and fine lines, and a comprehensively rejuvenated appearance.

  • Anti-wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections, sometimes known as botox, involve utilizing an ultra-fine pin to inject small quantities of toxin into focused areas. This toxin inactivates specific muscles to prevent them from activating and contracting. By allowing this, the muscles present in the neck that push on the skin and lead to wrinkling become easier to control. This facilitates the skin surrounding the neck to appear smoother and tighter, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

What is the Ideal Way to Get Rid of Turkey Neck?

It’s necessary to note that the appropriate way to treat turkey neck differs for different individuals, as each individual has unique concerns and varying degrees of aging. However, surgical and non-surgical options are available, and the choice made by neck pain specialists in Dallas depends on personal focus and desired outcomes.

Surgical options, including a facelift or neck lift, are appropriate for people with medium-to-severe symptoms of aging, such as severe sagginess, double chin, turkey neck, droopy cheeks, deep wrinkles, and jowls. These processes offer long-lasting results and dramatic changes in appearance, but they require more healing time, leave scars, and may require general anesthesia.

Contrary to popular belief, non-surgical treatments such as thread lifts, face tightening tools, and injectables can address minor issues of skin aging, like fine lines, medium sagginess, and shaping the jawline. However, all the non-surgical remedies suggested by the neck pain doctor in Dallas have limited and less durable results when compared to surgery.


There is no one approach applicable at all forturkey neck treatment. Pain management in Dallas evaluates the level of loose skin, age, anatomy, health, and required outcomes to identify the optimal treatment procedure for each individual.

If you are already struggling with neck skin and open muscles, there are a few options available to you. Surgical procedures are the fastest and most effective treatment for the turkey neck, but this requires cuts, bruises, and recovery time.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.