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9 Possible Causes Of Hip Flexor Pain

Soccer, hockey, and runners tend to develop hip flexor pain. Tieing shoes and climbing stairs might be difficult with hip and groin pain. Hip flexor strains have an impact on the thigh-hip joint. Muscle strains break muscle. It is one of the most prevalent injuries, especially among athletes. We grade strain severity into three categories. Most people heal by resting their muscles and utilizing ice and OTC drugs at home.

How is the Hip Flexor Pain Felt?

The psoas major, iliacus, rectus femoris, pectineus, and sartorius form the hip flexor. The rectus femoris is the quadriceps. The spine, pelvis, and femur sustain these muscles. Frontal hip discomfort is the main symptom of hip flexor strain. The illness can manifest multiple symptoms at the hip flexor pain location. This includes:

  • Sudden onset of pain

  • Pain increases when lifting the thigh towards the chest.

  • Hip muscle stretching ache

  • I experience hip flexor pain when walking or standing.

  • Spasms and cramps. 

  • When you stand up rapidly, your hip flexors must extend from a compressed position. 

  • Low back pain. Chronic hip flexor pain often results in lumbar discomfort due to the direct relationship between the psoas and the lower back.

  • Swelling, bruising, and erythema.

  • Other possible symptoms include hip or thigh muscular spasms, frontal hip discomfort, edema, or bruising.

Causes of Hip Flexor Pain

Following are the few causes of hip flexor pain:

1-  Hip Flexor Injury

A muscle or tendon tears when it is overstretched. Sprinting turns often cause hip-flexor tears. Based on discomfort, movement loss, and weakness, muscle tears range from moderate to severe.

2-  Hip Flexor Tendinopathy

Tendons link muscle and bone. A fall, a car accident, or excessive use from sports like soccer, running, or gymnastics can cause hip flexor tendinopathy, which includes tendonitis and tendinosis. Age-related tendon stiffness can cause hip flexor tendinopathy.

3-  Iliopsoas Bursitis

Hip iliopsoas bursitis is bursa inflammation. Small, fluid-filled bursas connect the hip joint and iliopsoas muscle. High-impact sports like soccer, skiing, and ballet produce this ailment.

4-  Hip Impingement

Most active individuals experience hip impingement due to irregular bone growth, which can lead to hip pain, typically in the groin, and reduced hip range of motion. Cam, pincer, and mixed hip impingement exist. The location of aberrant bone development determines the type of hip impingement.

5-  Hip Labral Tear

Among the affected areas of the hip are the labrums, which are flexible cartilages that surround the outer edges of the hip socket. It is therefore comfortable for the individual to move within the range of motion. A damaged hip joint is the cause of hip pain. In some cases, this condition may arise suddenly, while in other cases it may develop gradually over time. An athlete may suffer an injury of this type on a regular basis.

6-  Osteoarthritis 

Hip osteoarthritis results from the wear and tear of the hip cartilage. When people move, the ball and socket joints of the hip are less likely to rub against one another. A stiff and tender hip can result from this condition.

7-  Overuse

When hip flexor pain occurs, there may be no obvious underlying condition or injury. Overuse may be the root cause of such cases. In sports such as soccer or football, athletes who frequently run, kick, or turn may experience pain as a result of overuse.

8-  Pelvic Obliquity (Tilted Pelvis)

Medical professionals refer to a tilted or misaligned pelvis as pelvic obliquity. In addition to childbirth (in women), prolonged periods of sitting, inadequate stretching, and poor posture, there are a number of causes of pelvic obliquity. An obliquity of the pelvis may result in tightness of the hips or groins.

9-  Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis)

Hip flexor pain is most commonly caused by avascular necrosis. An individual with this condition suffers from a reduced or absent supply of blood to a bone. Hip avascular necrosis may affect the groin, thigh, or buttocks. Joint trauma, such as fractures or dislocations, usually causes avascular necrosis. Additionally, excessive consumption of alcohol may also contribute to this condition.

Surgery for Hip Flexor Strain

Hip-flexor strain surgery is uncommon. A grade 3 muscular strain may require surgery for repair. If the strain pulls tendons or ligaments from your bones, you need surgical reattachment. A hip flexor strain rarely necessitates total hip replacement surgery, but a serious grade-three tear might necessitate muscle, tendon, or ligament repair.At-home hip flexor pain treatment may not relieve your discomfort. See an orthopedic doctor.

How do I Avoid Hip Flexor Strains?

Stretching and warming up before exercise prevents hip flexor pain. Flexibility also prevents muscle damage. Flexible people have greater room for muscle fibers to stretch before tearing. Certain textiles provide more flexibility than others. Your favorite jeans are flexible since you've worn them for years. However, a new pair may take a few wears to feel comfy. Your muscles match. When you exercise and stretch them, they become more flexible and give as you move.

Exercises for Hip Pain

Routines can ease back and hip pain. Three helpful tasks:

Hip Flexor Stretch

Place one foot on the floor in front of you, and place one knee on the ground. Kneel with one foot straight on the floor. This stretches the hip flexors. To stretch the front, press your hips forward. Maintain posture. Switch sides every 20–30 seconds. Repeat this stretch twice or three times per side.

Leg Raises

While prone, stretch your legs out in front of you. Slowly raise one leg straight out of your body. After a while, slowly lower it. Use the other leg. Start with 10–15 reps per leg and increase as you strengthen.

Hip Flexor Bridge Strengthening

While lying on your back, bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Use the bridge to massage the muscles in your hip flexors. Squeeze the glutes and tighten the core while you slowly elevate your hips. Lay your hips down after a few seconds. Repeat 10–15 times. Lift one leg with the knee bent, then swap legs to force it harder. As your hip flexor discomfort improves, gradually increase the difficulty and duration. If discomfort or soreness worsens, stop exercising and visit pain management in Dallas

How Can an Orthopedic Specialist Help?

A surgery specialist in Dallas will undertake a physical exam to establish if you have a strain, major tear, or impacted tendons, ligaments, or bones. Doctors can treat hip pain at night with physical therapy. Physical therapists help you move, strengthen, and stretch to avoid injury. You can get better from hip flexor pain and keep living a busy life if you do the right exercises and stretches as well as are patient and persistent. Are you ready to manage your recovery? Contact us for expert advice and a customized hip-flexor strain recovery plan. We're here to help you achieve optimal mobility now!

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.