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Piriformis Syndrome Test: All You Need To Understand

An injury to the sciatic nerve caused by the piriformis muscle is known as Piriformis syndrome. A burning, shooting, or aching pain is most likely to occur in your buttocks and the back of your leg. The hip, the buttock, and the upper leg are the most common areas of the body where people suffer from Piriformis syndrome. 

They tend to be numb or painful in these areas. Injuries to the piriformis can lead to piriformis syndrome, muscle spasms, swelling, or scar tissue formation. In many cases, other conditions can lead to symptoms that are similar to those of piriformis syndrome, making this condition difficult to distinguish from others.

Injuries to the sciatic nerve occur as a result of the piriformis muscle pressing on the nerve. A universally accepted test for the diagnosis of Piriformis syndrome does not exist at this time. Rest and simple treatments can usually alleviate symptoms within a few days or weeks. Piriformis syndrome remains a controversial topic. This article will discuss piriformis syndrome. Additionally, we will discuss how your healthcare provider can diagnose it so that you can start feeling better immediately.

Signs And Symptoms Of Piriformis Syndrome

In addition to piriformis syndrome, there are several symptoms that are similar to those associated with other lower back conditions. Your healthcare provider may have difficulty diagnosing your health issue if your symptoms are similar.


  • Numbness in the back of your leg, or the feeling of pins and needles,

  • Hip and buttock pain that persists for a long period of time

  • Inability to get out of bed due to pain and an inability to sit for a prolonged period When your hips are moved, you experience pain in your buttocks

In What Ways Does Piriformis Syndrome Occur?

It is possible to suffer from piriformis syndrome if anything causes the piriformis to press on the sciatic nerve. Piriformis syndrome may be caused by a variety of factors, like:

  • Muscle spasms

  • An inflammation of the piriformis or its surrounding tissues

  • Scarring in the muscle

These issues can result from:

  • Climbing stairs, running, or walking without strong enough piriformis muscles. Injuring the hip, or leg, such as a car accident or fall

  • Lack of physical activity results in tight muscles.

  • A person might damage their piriformis muscle by improperly lifting something.

  • Failure to warm up before physical activity or to stretch properly afterward.

  • Running long distances or overexerting.

  • Especially the job, there is a lot of sitting.

Piriformis syndrome may also occur as a result of abnormal anatomy. The primary piriformis syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle grows excessively. Sciatic nerves may travel on a path outside of their normal route within a person's body, if they are born in an abnormal location. Moreover, piriformis muscles and sciatic nerves can vary with genetics.

Piriformis Syndrome Test

The most accurate way to diagnose piriformis syndrome is currently under investigation. Currently, there is no scientifically supported test to diagnose Piriformis syndrome. Doctors often diagnose lumbar sprains, sciatica, and disc injuries by examining your medical history and performing physical tests. 

As a result of piriformis syndrome, people who suffer from the condition experience greater tenderness in the piriformis muscle on the side of their injured leg than on the side of their uninjured leg. To check for tenderness in your piriformis muscle, your healthcare provider will most probably palpate it.

1. Physical Tests

In the Piriformis syndrome test, the first thing doctors prefer is a physical test. In order to find out whether stretching or activating your piriformis muscles results in pain, your doctor may conduct physical tests. A physician may suspect that you suffer from piriformis syndrome if they find that your piriformis is tender to touch. In addition, they may find that you also complain of pain in your deep gluteal area in the following four tests.

2. Beatty Maneuver

The affected leg would be on top of the other leg if you lie on your side. This is because bending your knees will put your affected leg on top of the other leg. In order to determine whether your buttocks are in pain as a result of this movement, your pain doctor in Dallas will instruct you to raise your top thigh. 

Pace maneuver test If you sit in this position, your hips and knees will be positioned at a 90-degree angle to each other when you are in this position. You are instructed to push into the tester's hands until you feel their pressure on the outer side of the lower leg.

3. Fair Test

The acronym FAIR stands for flexion, adduction, and internal rotation, and it consists of three movements. In the Piriformis syndrome test, the FAIR test is a well-known test. Your injured leg will be placed on top of the other leg during the evaluation process. 

A tester will stabilize your hip with his left hand while bringing your knee to your chest as he stabilizes your hip. You will then move your hip toward your midline while holding your hip stationary with his right hand. It is also possible for them to twist your lower leg away from the middle of your body.

4. Freiberg Maneuver

On your back, you'll lay with your legs straight, and you'll lie on your stomach. If you or the tester want to test your femur, he or she will roll your femur inward as well. It will then be asked of you whether you are experiencing pain in your deep gluteal area at the time of examination.

5. Imaging Techniques

Using ultrasound for piriformis syndrome diagnosis is possible according to a 2020 study from Trusted Source. Compared with healthy volunteers and those without piriformis syndrome, people with piriformis syndrome have an enlarged sciatic nerve and piriformis on their injured side. As a result, ultrasound can detect the condition. 

These findings need to be further researched in order to confirm them. MRI scans, CT scans, and EMG scans, as well as other imaging techniques, could also help rule out conditions that cause symptoms similar to the ones described above.

Differences Between Piriformis Syndrome And Lumbar Disc Bulge Testing

If you suspect that you are suffering from piriformis syndrome or a bulging disc in your lower back pain, it is imperative that you rule out other possible causes of your pain. The Trusted Source reports that sciatica is caused by a bulging disc, which causes a painful condition. Your healthcare provider may perform tests that move your spine to determine if you are experiencing pain. 

The straight leg test is one of the simplest and most effective ways to diagnose sciatica, which is one of the most common conditions. A bulging disc in the spine can cause low back pain and leg pain when you bend your knee between 30 and 70 degrees. Early stages of the diagnosis of sciatica are unlikely to require the use of imaging techniques. It is sometimes recommended to perform an MRI if conservative treatment does not provide relief after six to eight weeks.

Preventing Piriformis Syndrome

The following strategies may reduce your risk of piriformis syndrome:

  • Maintaining the health of your muscles requires regular exercise.

  • Focus on maintaining proper posture, especially when sitting, standing, or driving.

  • When lifting items, bend your knees and squat to maintain a straight back.

  • Lifting objects should be done with caution, and you should not twist while doing so. Before you engage in any physical activity, warm up and stretch for a few minutes.

  • The smart thing to do if you have to sit for a long time is to take frequent breaks by standing up, walking, or doing stretches.

When Should I Consult My Physician Regarding The Treatment Of My Piriformis?

Nowadays technology is so advanced that you can easily find a doctor by searching for a pain clinic in Dallas.

If you experience any of the following symptoms while suffering from piriformis syndrome, contact your best pain doctor in Dallas:

  • Numbness or pain causing frequent trips or falls

  • An extended period of pain,

  • Especially if you have been following directions and adjusting your lifestyle.

  • Problems controlling your bowels or bladder (peeing) or (pooping)

  • Severe sudden pain in your lower back or leg

  • Sudden tingling, numbness, or weakness in your back or leg

  • You may suffer from a back, hip, or leg injury

  • Your foot is difficult to pick up off the floor.


Typically, piriformis syndrome causes pain in your buttocks and in the back of your leg. Several recent studies have suggested that piriformis syndrome is actually a real thing.

The number of cases is unknown, and no universal test for diagnosing it exists. Eliminating other possible causes usually leads to a Piriformis syndrome diagnosis. There is still a need for more research on Piriformis syndrome and ultrasound.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.