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Possible Conditions Associated With Leg Weakness

A person may experience leg weakness in either one or both legs. In addition to illness and fatigue, strokes can have more serious causes. The sudden onset of muscle weakness in any part of your body, including your legs, can be a sign of a stroke. In reality, leg weakness can be a very common condition. Unsteady legs are actually experienced by 12 percent of adults for no apparent reason, and it is not a serious condition. Your leg muscles may require strengthening by improving your exercise routine. A number of very ordinary and non-worrisome causes may contribute to shin splints, such as leg cramps and tightened muscles. That often indicates that you have not properly warmed up or cooled down before exercising, and that you need to consume more fluids.

The effect of psychological conditions such as stress on your muscles can also result in the feeling of a heavy, tired leg.The sudden onset of recurrent leg weakness or intense pain in conjunction with weak or shaky legs may indicate a more serious condition requiring medical intervention. Lancaster Pain Management offers effective treatments to help alleviate the negative effects of leg weakness.

Symptoms Commonly Associated With This Condition

Leg weakness can be a painful and debilitating experience, leading to a feeling of dead leg. The following symptoms may also be associated with weak legs on both sides:

  • Paralysis

  • Tingling of the legs

  • Numbness in your legs

  • A feeling of pain in your legs

  • Difficulty standing and/or walking

  • You may or may not experience leg pain radiating from your back

Conditions Associated With Weak Legs

Leg weakness can be a symptom of a number of medical problems, and the experience of achy legs can be particularly uncomfortable. Richardson Pain Management is dedicated to helping individuals experiencing leg weakness due to a variety of causes.Here are conditions associated with leg weakness.

1- Sciatica

At some point, the sciatic nerve is compressed when you suffer from sciatica. A sciatic nerve originates in the lower spine and extends further down each leg. Lower leg pain and weakness may result from nerve compression.

2- Medications

Muscle weakness can be caused by some medications. These side effects may be associated with corticosteroids and statins.

3- Alcohol use Disorder 

A high level of alcohol consumption, particularly binge drinking, can lead to myopathy, a condition characterized by skeletal muscle dysfunction. The prevalence of muscle disease caused by alcohol is five times greater than that of liver cirrhosis.

4- Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy results from damage to the peripheral nervous system. Infections, injuries, or diseases such as diabetes may cause it to develop. Symptoms of neuropathy may occur in people with diabetes or they may not.Symptomatic cases are characterized by weak lower leg muscles. Symptoms include leg pain and weakness that make walking difficult. The patient may experience shooting pains, numbness in the hands and feet, or a burning or freezing sensation.

5- Neuromuscular Diseases

Neuromuscular diseases may cause muscle weakness in the legs. Throughout the body, these diseases cause nerve and muscle damage. These diseases include muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), multiple sclerosis with fibromyalgia, and myasthenia gravis. There are several symptoms associated with these diseases, including loss of strength in the legs, muscle twitching, and stiffness of the muscles.

6- Toxins

There is a possibility that toxic neuropathy can be caused by the exposure to environmental toxins or cleaning and pest control products. Leg and foot pain or arm and hand pain are common symptoms of nerve pain. Toxins, such as botulinum toxin (Botox), may cause weakness in the legs.

7- Injuries

The legs may become weak as a result of a fall or vehicle accident. The performance of the knee can be impacted by a torn meniscus, for example. Knee injuries may result from torn ligaments, fractured bones, or trapped cartilage.

8- Arthritis

Disintegration of the knee joint can be caused by arthritis. Instability of the knee joint often leads to leg weakness. Despite the pain in the knee joint, losing a stable knee structure can also cause shooting pains in the legs and feet. Biological factors contribute to the development of muscle weakness in some people as they age.

9- Thyroid Conditions

Muscle weakness and joint and muscle pain can be caused by hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

When To See A Doctor

Whenever there is weakness in the leg, it should be evaluated by a physician, as it may be the result of a serious underlying condition that needs to be addressed. Pain Management Fort Worth provides comprehensive treatments to help manage the cause and effects of this condition.

Seek medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • You experience sudden, severe pain in your back or leg as a result of your weakness.

  • You are experiencing urinary or bowel incontinence.

  • Any warning signs of stroke are experienced by you or someone else.

Treatments For Leg Weakness

A physician's diagnosis determines the best course of treatment. Treatment options are numerous. To reduce inflammation of the spine or knee joints, guided steroid injections are administered

  • In the case of mild pain, over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be prescribed, as may prescription medications for diseases or other underlying causes

  • Support for the spine while an injury heals with a back brace

  • Exercises to strengthen the muscles in the lower back and legs

  • A change in diet

  • When conservative treatment fails, surgery may be required

The symptoms of weak legs can be diagnosed by a pain management doctorby performing various medical tests. If you are dealing with leg weakness and need help managing the associated pain, you can find relief at Pain Management Hillsboro.

Final Thoughts

While some degree of leg muscle loss is expected as you age, there are ways to minimize it. It’s vital to do so because it could lead to more leg weakness. Weak legs can affect your well-being and mobility.

If you already suffer from weak leg muscles, ask your leg pain doctor about any pre-existing health conditions that can contribute to your leg weakness. Follow your doctor’s advice and ask him or her about self-help measures to improve any weakness.

Remember that sudden leg weakness can be a warning sign, and you should seek immediate evaluation.

Premier Pain Centers

Patients suffering from severe muscle pain can receive high-quality medical treatment at the Premier Pain Centers in the United States. It is the organization's mission to provide comfort and peace to its members in order to fulfill its mission.

As a one-stop medical clinic, we are committed to providing our patients with highly qualified, experienced physicians who are capable of treating their pain effectively. Pain management, physical therapy, and therapy management are integral components of a comprehensive patient care program. Additionally, Dr Ali Pain Management provides treatments for inner knee pain caused by running in addition to providing evidence-based treatments for conditions related to the knee.

To schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.